Honoring Caregiver Nancy Paciga for 16 Years of Service to Roanoke Area Seniors

Paciga was Companion Home Care’s very first employee and has been with the company since 2005

The following post was written by Michelle Belton, owner of Companion Home Care, to congratulate Nancy Paciga on her recently announced retirement:

Nancy Paciga

Our first employee, October 2005

I had been working with the clients by myself up until then since January. It was definitely becoming overwhelming.

Nancy applied with Companion Home Care and I set up a lunch interview at Wildflour Cafe, Old SW, Roanoke.

After having a wonderful chat and lunch, I hired her. I kept a poker face of my excitement but I said to myself, “if they are all like her, my business will be the best in the city!”

She was well-spoken, incredibly intelligent, interesting, and had a myriad of great experiences in her background.

Nancy will always be the consummate learner. She’s a Renaissance woman. She did just about anything to enhance the client’s quality of life.

She planted flowers and gardens, hemmed pants, sewed buttons, cooked delicious meals, baked pies, grew herbs, tended animals, encouraged outside exercises and activities, and took her clients on many picnics and trail walks.

Nancy researched the client’s medical issues and would know more about it sometimes than the client themselves.

Over the years, Nancy has been a caregiver, office manager, payroll manager, interviewer and hiring manager, friend, and confidant to me.

If it weren’t for my trust in her capabilities in running our business, I could never have taken any time off, in 16 years. I knew I could leave the operations and staff in Nancy’s hands and that everything was going to be just fine.

I’ve had many playful nicknames for Nancy over the years: Miss Moneypenny (James Bond’s secretary that kept him in line with her quick wit), Mary Poppins because she was often pulling tricks out of her bag with her ingenious ideas for improving the quality of life for the clients, and others.

She is incredibly organized. I could count on her to take the best caregiver notes, to be the best lead on a team, and provide the most meticulous and loving care to her clients.

Nancy kept count and she has provided care for 69 clients over 16 years. Some lasted years, others only a few days.

I always knew that if I sent Nancy, they were getting the best caregiver we had to offer. I went to Nancy’s college graduation with her in her 60’s! What an inspirational moment that was.

I went to Nancy’s granddaughter’s school functions. Nancy and I attended the “March for Our Lives” protest in Washington D.C. together in 2018.

As I write this, I’m having a hard time holding back the tears. It’s not possible to put on paper how much of a contribution that Nancy gave to Companion Home Care, her clients, and me in 16 years.

Always the professional, she wrote a beautiful note of retirement thanking me for all that I taught her and the times that we shared. Mutual love and respect to Nancy as she seizes the next chapter of her life.

It’s someone else’s turn to enjoy Nancy and all that she has to offer.

Thank you and best wishes, Nancy.

Michelle L. Belton
Owner of Companion Home Care Inc

About Companion Home Care Inc: 

Companion Home Care is a senior home health care, adults with disabilities care, and hospice care provider in Roanoke, VA. Our motto is to provide a “better class of companion for a better quality of life”. We accomplish this by hiring the best, most qualified caregivers, and using our knowledge and experience to craft a personalized home care plan for our clients, then match clients with the perfect caregiver based on client needs, personality, and skills required.

Our caregivers help seniors cope with Alzheimer’s, dementia, and illnesses, and enjoy healthy and happy lives from the comfort of their own homes. In addition to senior home health care, we also provide Roanoke home care for adults with disabilities, traumatic brain injury and diseases, physical injuries, and special needs in Roanoke, Salem, Lynchburg, Vinton, Christiansburg, Blacksburg, Smith Mountain Lake, Moneta, Bedford, and surrounding areas of southwest Virginia.

Companion Home Care Inc
210 E 7th St
Salem, VA 24153
(540) 981-2255

Companion Home Care Inc
424 Campbell Ave SW
Roanoke, VA 24016
(540) 981-2255

Contact Companion Home Care

PREVIOUS POST: First New Alzheimer’s Drug in 20 Years Approved by FDA

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“description”: “The Roanoke Marine Mud Run is a fundraiser put on by the Roanoke Marine Corps League for Toys-4-Tots and Camp Roanoke. It consists of a 5K race through obstacles, physical challenges, and of course, mud. Now in its 24th consecutive year, the Roanoke Marine Mud Run takes place at Green Hill Park in Salem, VA.”,
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from Tumblr https://companionhomecare.tumblr.com/post/658629009799872512

Michelle Belton Receives End-of-Life Doula Certification from The University of Vermont

Companion Home Care Owner Michelle Belton Receives End-of-Life Doula Professional Certification from the University of Vermont

Michelle Belton has helped many clients transition through the end of life during her more than 17 years as the owner of Roanoke-area home health agency Companion Home Care.

And while she already had this background in helping clients through the dying process, Belton recently decided to formalize her knowledge by obtaining the End-of-Life Doula Certification offered remotely by The University of Vermont’s Larner College of Medicine.

End-of-Life Doulas complement the care provided by family members and friends, as well as medical, palliative, and hospice professionals, within the settings of homes, hospitals, and senior care facilities.

EOL Doulas support clients with individualized, compassionate care in a number of ways, including emotional, spiritual, informational, and physical support, helping to lower their stress levels, aid in comfort, and promote personalized, even positive, dying passages for clients and their loved ones.

Those who complete the intensive, 8-week EOL Doula Certification Course are prepared to offer non-medical, compassionate care to those facing end-of-life.

They understand common terminal conditions and diseases, pain management practices, the active dying process, and helpful interventions to ease client suffering. Earners provide unconditional positive regard and nonjudgmental support while engaging in open dialog with clients.

“I went into this 8-week course thinking that with all of the hospice clients in my past, I was an expert. I was so wrong.

I will go forward with a better understanding befitting of someone’s passing. How one leaves this world is just as important as how we arrive.”

Michelle Belton, CDP, CAEd, CEOLD

For more information about the EOLD Certification, visit the University of Vermont’s website.

About Companion Home Care Inc: 

Companion Home Care is a senior home health care, adults with disabilities care, and hospice care provider in Roanoke, VA. Our motto is to provide a “better class of companion for a better quality of life”. We accomplish this by hiring the best, most qualified caregivers, and using our knowledge and experience to craft a personalized home care plan for our clients, then match clients with the perfect caregiver based on client needs, personality, and skills required.

Our caregivers help seniors cope with Alzheimer’s, dementia, and illnesses, and enjoy healthy and happy lives from the comfort of their own homes. In addition to senior home health care, we also provide Roanoke home care for adults with disabilities, traumatic brain injury and diseases, physical injuries, and special needs in Roanoke, Salem, Lynchburg, Vinton, Christiansburg, Blacksburg, Smith Mountain Lake, Moneta, Bedford, and surrounding areas of southwest Virginia.

Companion Home Care Inc
210 E 7th St
Salem, VA 24153
(540) 981-2255

Companion Home Care Inc
424 Campbell Ave SW
Roanoke, VA 24016
(540) 981-2255

Contact Companion Home Care

PREVIOUS POST: Companion Home Care Delivers Freshly Prepared Meals to Roanoke Seniors

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“headline”: “Disrupt Ageism: Michelle Belton of Companion Home Care Completes Roanoke Marine Mud Run”,
“description”: “The Roanoke Marine Mud Run is a fundraiser put on by the Roanoke Marine Corps League for Toys-4-Tots and Camp Roanoke. It consists of a 5K race through obstacles, physical challenges, and of course, mud. Now in its 24th consecutive year, the Roanoke Marine Mud Run takes place at Green Hill Park in Salem, VA.”,
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from Tumblr https://companionhomecare.tumblr.com/post/641598101920055297

Companion Home Care Delivers Freshly Prepared Meals to Roanoke Seniors

Companion Home Care staff wear new donated masks to prepare and deliver fresh meals to local seniors.

Michelle Belton is the owner of Companion Home Care, a Roanoke area provider of home health care for seniors and adults.

While contemplating ways to help her senior home care clients cope with the recent crisis, Belton had an idea.

She decided to assemble a small team of Companion Home Care staff that would purchase, prepare, and deliver fresh meals to Companion Home Care clients.

Caregivers Candy Smith and Jenni Robertson volunteered to help with the project. Belton would provide the fund to purchase the items, Smith would do most of the cooking, and Robertson would handle dessert and delivery. Meals were provided to the seniors completely free of charge.

Belton stated, “The clients and their families really loved it because in a lot of cases family members were getting off work after a long day and then had to go visit Mom or Dad to cook supper. It was just a fantastic way to uplift our home care clients and to say an extra ‘thank you’ to them.”

Regarding the fancy face masks that contain the trademark Companion Home Care sunflowers, Belton said she had a friend to thank for those.

“Huge thank you to our friend Stacey for the beautiful masks. She handmade them, brought them to us, and absolutely refused to accept any payment. The staff and I really love them,” said Belton.

Belton added that they are looking forward to coming up with new ways to provide extra help to their clients in the future.

About Companion Home Care Inc: 

Companion Home Care is a senior home health care, adults with disabilities care, and hospice care provider in Roanoke, VA. Our motto is to provide a “better class of companion for a better quality of life”. We accomplish this by hiring the best, most qualified caregivers, and using our knowledge and experience to craft a personalized home care plan for our clients, then match clients with the perfect caregiver based on client needs, personality, and skills required.

Our caregivers help seniors cope with Alzheimer’s, dementia, and illnesses, and enjoy healthy and happy lives from the comfort of their own homes. In addition to senior home health care, we also provide Roanoke home care for adults with disabilities, traumatic brain injury and diseases, physical injuries, and special needs in Roanoke, Salem, Lynchburg, Vinton, Christiansburg, Blacksburg, Smith Mountain Lake, Moneta, Bedford, and surrounding areas of southwest Virginia.

Companion Home Care Inc
210 E 7th St
Salem, VA 24153
(540) 981-2255

Companion Home Care Inc
424 Campbell Ave SW
Roanoke, VA 24016
(540) 981-2255

Contact Companion Home Care

PREVIOUS POST: Kianna Price Hosts Michelle Belton of Companion Home Care on WFXR’s Living Local Show

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“headline”: “Disrupt Ageism: Michelle Belton of Companion Home Care Completes Roanoke Marine Mud Run”,
“description”: “The Roanoke Marine Mud Run is a fundraiser put on by the Roanoke Marine Corps League for Toys-4-Tots and Camp Roanoke. It consists of a 5K race through obstacles, physical challenges, and of course, mud. Now in its 24th consecutive year, the Roanoke Marine Mud Run takes place at Green Hill Park in Salem, VA.”,
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from Tumblr https://companionhomecare.tumblr.com/post/619850848784302080

Kianna Price Hosts Michelle Belton of Companion Home Care on WFXR’s Living Local Show

Kianna Price Hosts Michelle Belton of Companion Home Care on WFXR’s Living Local Show

Living Local is a popular segment on WFXR Fox Roanoke that features local interest stories, local business owners, and issues that impact the community. Living Local host Kianna Price recently spoke to Michelle Belton about what makes Companion Home Care the best senior home care provider in the Roanoke Valley.

View the full segment below:

About Companion Home Care Inc: 

Companion Home Care is a senior home health care, adults with disabilities care, and hospice care provider in Roanoke, VA. Our motto is to provide a “better class of companion for a better quality of life”. We accomplish this by hiring the best, most qualified caregivers, and using our knowledge and experience to craft a personalized home care plan for our clients, then match clients with the perfect caregiver based on client needs, personality, and skills required.

Our caregivers help seniors cope with Alzheimer’s, dementia, and illnesses, and enjoy healthy and happy lives from the comfort of their own homes. In addition to senior home health care, we also provide Roanoke home care for adults and children with disabilities, traumatic brain injury and diseases, physical injuries, and special needs in Roanoke, Salem, Lynchburg, Vinton, Christiansburg, Blacksburg, Smith Mountain Lake, Moneta, Bedford, and surrounding areas of southwest Virginia.

Companion Home Care Inc
210 E 7th St
Salem, VA 24153
(540) 981-2255

Companion Home Care Inc
424 Campbell Ave SW
Roanoke, VA 24016
(540) 981-2255

Contact Companion Home Care

PREVIOUS POST: Mill Mountain Zoo Celebrates 68 Years of Wildlife Conservation in Roanoke

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“description”: “The Roanoke Marine Mud Run is a fundraiser put on by the Roanoke Marine Corps League for Toys-4-Tots and Camp Roanoke. It consists of a 5K race through obstacles, physical challenges, and of course, mud. Now in its 24th consecutive year, the Roanoke Marine Mud Run takes place at Green Hill Park in Salem, VA.”,
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from Tumblr https://companionhomecare.tumblr.com/post/612531344797548544

Mill Mountain Zoo: 68 Years of Wildlife Conservation in Roanoke, VA

Mill Mountain Zoo: 68 Years of Wildlife Conservation in Roanoke, VA

We love to highlight the area landmarks, important dates in history, and iconic institutions that make Roanoke, VA a wonderful place to live and do business. Perhaps no institution is as interwoven in the memories of 20th-century Roanokers as the Mill Mountain Zoo, located atop Mill Mountain in Roanoke, VA, adjacent to the world-famous Mill Mountain Star.

History of Roanoke’s Mill Mountain Zoo

According to the Mill Mountain Zoo’s Facebook page, “Mill Mountain Zoo was founded in 1952 as a nursery-rhyme themed petting zoo that featured farm animals, birds, and native Virginia wildlife. For the first twenty-five years, we were operated by Roanoke’s Parks and Recreation Department. In 1978, the Roanoke Jaycees renewed the zoo and replaced old exhibits to create a place appealing to all ages.”

In 1984, due to the limited capacity for expansion on top of Mill Mountain, a proposal was created to relocate the zoo to a 400-acre location just off the Blue Ridge Parkway. However, the proposal was later abandoned, and governance of the Mill Mountain Zoo was turned over to the Blue Ridge Zoological Society of Virginia, Inc. in 1988.

The Mill Mountain Zoo Today

The Mill Mountain Zoo continues to operate as a 501©(3) non-profit run by the Blue Ridge Zoological Society. It is still at its original location within Mill Mountain Park, a beautiful 568-acre regional park which is maintained by Roanoke Parks and Recreation at the top of Mill Mountain.

The mission of the Mill Mountain Zoo is to “is to promote an appreciation and understanding of wildlife and habitat preservation through the use of quality exhibits and educational programs, and to work in cooperation with other animal conservation programs.”

Today the zoo houses a diverse array of animals from throughout the region and the world including a snow leopard, red panda, tufted deer, red wolves, a Eurasian lynx, oriental small-clawed otters, Burmese pythons, an Indian crested porcupine, an American bald eagle, and more. Past animals housed at the Mill Mountain Zoo have included an African elephant, Siberian tiger, and even an American alligator.

General Information About Mill Mountain Zoo

The Mill Mountain Zoo, currently on Winter Hours, is open Thursday-Sunday from 10am-5pm with the last visitors admitted at 4pm. Expanded hours and the Zoo Choo train will resume in the warmer months. Admission prices are $10.00 for Adults, $9.25 for Seniors, $8.00 for children 3-11 years old, 2 and under are free. For more information or to make a contribution to the Mill Mountain Zoo, visit their website at http://www.mmzoo.org/.

About Companion Home Care Inc: 

Companion Home Care is a senior home health care, adults with disabilities care, and hospice care provider in Roanoke, VA. Our motto is to provide a “better class of companion for a better quality of life”. We accomplish this by hiring the best, most qualified caregivers, and using our knowledge and experience to craft a personalized home care plan for our clients, then match clients with the perfect caregiver based on client needs, personality, and skills required.

Our caregivers help seniors cope with Alzheimer’s, dementia, and illnesses, and enjoy healthy and happy lives from the comfort of their own homes. In addition to senior home health care, we also provide Roanoke home care for adults and children with disabilities, traumatic brain injury and diseases, physical injuries, and special needs in Roanoke, Salem, Lynchburg, Vinton, Christiansburg, Blacksburg, Smith Mountain Lake, Moneta, Bedford, and surrounding areas of southwest Virginia.

Companion Home Care Inc
210 E 7th St
Salem, VA 24153
(540) 981-2255

Companion Home Care Inc
424 Campbell Ave SW
Roanoke, VA 24016
(540) 981-2255

Contact Companion Home Care Inc

Previous Post: Companion Home Care Films TV Commercial for Fox Roanoke

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“description”: “The Roanoke Marine Mud Run is a fundraiser put on by the Roanoke Marine Corps League for Toys-4-Tots and Camp Roanoke. It consists of a 5K race through obstacles, physical challenges, and of course, mud. Now in its 24th consecutive year, the Roanoke Marine Mud Run takes place at Green Hill Park in Salem, VA.”,
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from Tumblr https://companionhomecare.tumblr.com/post/190763219324

Companion Home Care Films TV Commercial to Air on Fox WFXR Roanoke

Companion Home Care Films TV Commercial to Air on Fox WFXR Roanoke

We had a great time filming our new TV commercial to run on Fox Roanoke. Special thanks to our caregivers Sara, Paris, Nancy, and Heather, to our star actors Jo and Chris, to the WFXR crew, and to Ofelia the therapy dog. Check us out on WFXR or via the YouTube video below!

About Companion Home Care Inc: 

Companion Home Care is a senior home health care, adults with disabilities care, and hospice care provider in Roanoke, VA. Our motto is to provide a “better class of companion for a better quality of life”. We accomplish this by hiring the best, most qualified caregivers, and using our knowledge and experience to craft a personalized home care plan for our clients, then match clients with the perfect caregiver based on client needs, personality, and skills required.

Our caregivers help seniors cope with Alzheimer’s, dementia, and illnesses, and enjoy healthy and happy lives from the comfort of their own homes. In addition to senior home health care, we also provide Roanoke home care for adults and children with disabilities, traumatic brain injury and diseases, physical injuries, and special needs in Roanoke, Salem, Lynchburg, Vinton, Christiansburg, Blacksburg, Smith Mountain Lake, Moneta, Bedford, and surrounding areas of southwest Virginia.

Companion Home Care Inc
210 E 7th St
Salem, VA 24153
(540) 981-2255

Companion Home Care Inc
424 Campbell Ave SW
Roanoke, VA 24016
(540) 981-2255

Contact Companion Home Care Inc

PREVIOUS POST: Happy birthday, Michelle!

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“description”: “The Roanoke Marine Mud Run is a fundraiser put on by the Roanoke Marine Corps League for Toys-4-Tots and Camp Roanoke. It consists of a 5K race through obstacles, physical challenges, and of course, mud. Now in its 24th consecutive year, the Roanoke Marine Mud Run takes place at Green Hill Park in Salem, VA.”,
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from Tumblr https://companionhomecare.tumblr.com/post/190262952749

Happy birthday, Michelle!

Happy birthday, Michelle!

We’d just like to take a moment to wish Michelle Belton, the owner of Companion Home Care, a very happy birthday from everyone at Companion!

Michelle, who is now a Certified Dementia Practitioner (CDP) and Certified Alzheimer Educator (CAEd), started Companion Home Care in Roanoke, VA in 2004 due to her love for caring for older people.

Over the years, Michelle has touched the lives of countless families with her tender and tireless care.

From all of the staff, clients, family, and friends of Companion, happy birthday and many more, Michelle!

About Companion Home Care Inc: 

Companion Home Care is a senior home health care, adults with disabilities care, and hospice care provider in Roanoke, VA. Our motto is to provide a “better class of companion for a better quality of life”. We accomplish this by hiring the best, most qualified caregivers, and using our knowledge and experience to craft a personalized home care plan for our clients, then match clients with the perfect caregiver based on client needs, personality, and skills required.

Our caregivers help seniors cope with Alzheimer’s, dementia, and illnesses, and enjoy healthy and happy lives from the comfort of their own homes. In addition to senior home health care, we also provide Roanoke home care for adults and children with disabilities, traumatic brain injury and diseases, physical injuries, and special needs in Roanoke, Salem, Lynchburg, Vinton, Christiansburg, Blacksburg, Smith Mountain Lake, Moneta, Bedford, and surrounding areas of southwest Virginia.

Companion Home Care Inc
210 E 7th St
Salem, VA 24153
(540) 981-2255

Companion Home Care Inc
424 Campbell Ave SW
Roanoke, VA 24016
(540) 981-2255

Contact Companion Home Care Inc

PREVIOUS POST: Companion Home Care Owner Becomes Certified Montessori Dementia Care Professional

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“headline”: “Disrupt Ageism: Michelle Belton of Companion Home Care Completes Roanoke Marine Mud Run”,
“description”: “The Roanoke Marine Mud Run is a fundraiser put on by the Roanoke Marine Corps League for Toys-4-Tots and Camp Roanoke. It consists of a 5K race through obstacles, physical challenges, and of course, mud. Now in its 24th consecutive year, the Roanoke Marine Mud Run takes place at Green Hill Park in Salem, VA.”,
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from Tumblr https://companionhomecare.tumblr.com/post/190131855619

Happy Thanksgiving from Companion Home Care

Happy Thanksgiving from Companion Home Care

Thank you to our wonderful caregivers, clients, friends, and family for their hard work, love, and support this year. We appreciate our many blessings and are excited to continue providing top-notch home care for seniors and adults in the Roanoke area in 2020. We hope everyone has a safe, fun, and happy Thanksgiving.

About Companion Home Care Inc: 

Companion Home Care is a senior home health care, adults with disabilities care, and hospice care provider in Roanoke, VA. Our motto is to provide a “better class of companion for a better quality of life”. We accomplish this by hiring the best, most qualified caregivers, and using our knowledge and experience to craft a personalized home care plan for our clients, then match clients with the perfect caregiver based on client needs, personality, and skills required.

Our caregivers help seniors cope with Alzheimer’s, dementia, and illnesses, and enjoy healthy and happy lives from the comfort of their own homes. In addition to senior home health care, we also provide Roanoke home care for adults and children with disabilities, traumatic brain injury and diseases, physical injuries, and special needs in Roanoke, Salem, Lynchburg, Vinton, Christiansburg, Blacksburg, Smith Mountain Lake, Moneta, Bedford, and surrounding areas of southwest Virginia.

Companion Home Care Inc
210 E 7th St
Salem, VA 24153
(540) 981-2255

Companion Home Care Inc
424 Campbell Ave SW
Roanoke, VA 24016
(540) 981-2255

Contact Companion Home Care Inc

PREVIOUS POST: Companion Home Care Owner Becomes Certified Montessori Dementia Care Professional

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“headline”: “Disrupt Ageism: Michelle Belton of Companion Home Care Completes Roanoke Marine Mud Run”,
“description”: “The Roanoke Marine Mud Run is a fundraiser put on by the Roanoke Marine Corps League for Toys-4-Tots and Camp Roanoke. It consists of a 5K race through obstacles, physical challenges, and of course, mud. Now in its 24th consecutive year, the Roanoke Marine Mud Run takes place at Green Hill Park in Salem, VA.”,
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from Tumblr https://companionhomecare.tumblr.com/post/189353295789

Happy Halloween from Companion Home Care

Happy Halloween from Companion Home Care

Most people think of Halloween as a kid’s holiday, but that couldn’t be further from the truth! The fact is, Halloween can be fun for all ages, even seniors.

At Companion Home Care, we’ll be encouraging our caregivers to participate in pumpkin decorating, cooking, fun Fall outings, and other mentally stimulating activities with their home care clients.

It’s all part of our broader mission to help our Roanoke and Lynchburg area home care clients enjoy happy and healthy lives from the comfort of their own homes.

Our motto is “a better class of Companion for a better quality of life.”

About Companion Home Care Inc: 

Companion Home Care is a senior home health care, adults with disabilities care, and hospice care provider in Roanoke, VA. Our motto is to provide a “better class of companion for a better quality of life”. We accomplish this by hiring the best, most qualified caregivers, and using our knowledge and experience to craft a personalized home care plan for our clients, then match clients with the perfect caregiver based on client needs, personality, and skills required.

Our caregivers help seniors cope with Alzheimer’s, dementia, and illnesses, and enjoy healthy and happy lives from the comfort of their own homes. In addition to senior home health care, we also provide Roanoke home care for adults and children with disabilities, traumatic brain injury and diseases, physical injuries, and special needs in Roanoke, Salem, Lynchburg, Vinton, Christiansburg, Blacksburg, Smith Mountain Lake, Moneta, Bedford, and surrounding areas of southwest Virginia.

Companion Home Care Inc
210 E 7th St
Salem, VA 24153
(540) 981-2255

Companion Home Care Inc
424 Campbell Ave SW
Roanoke, VA 24016
(540) 981-2255

Contact Companion Home Care Inc

PREVIOUS POST: Companion Home Care Owner Becomes Certified Montessori Dementia Care Professional

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“description”: “The Roanoke Marine Mud Run is a fundraiser put on by the Roanoke Marine Corps League for Toys-4-Tots and Camp Roanoke. It consists of a 5K race through obstacles, physical challenges, and of course, mud. Now in its 24th consecutive year, the Roanoke Marine Mud Run takes place at Green Hill Park in Salem, VA.”,
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from Tumblr https://companionhomecare.tumblr.com/post/188724802959

Companion Home Care Owner Becomes Certified Montessori Dementia Care Professional

Companion Home Care Owner Becomes Certified Montessori Dementia Care Professional®

The International Council of Certified Dementia Practitioners (ICDCP) is an organization that provides support to professionals that are interested in learning comprehensive dementia education, who value dementia education training, who are committed to ending abuse and neglect.

The Council was formed to promote global standards of excellence in dementia education and dementia certification to professionals and other caregivers who provide services to Alzheimer’s and dementia clients.

The ICCDP offers two certifications for dementia care professionals: Certified Dementia Practitioner (CDP) and Certified Montessori Dementia Care Professional (CMDCP).

Companion Home Care Inc owner Michelle Belton, who already held the Council’s CDP certification since 2017, recently completed the requirements to become a Certified Montessori Dementia Care Professional.

Belton offered her thoughts on her recent certification:

“The Montessori Principles from the CMDCP coursework was one of the most encouraging and inspirational educational courses in dementia that I have taken in a very long while. It taught principles that seemed to be more humanizing. My favorite quote from her, “what you do for me you take away from me”. This was teaching us that doing everything for the person with dementia takes away their independence, self-worth, and sense of purpose. These three traits are the ultimate in treating a person with dignity. The basis of this course is to help us see the person with dementia as a normal human being with cognitive disabilities just as a person with any disability. One of the most profound discussions for me was the idea, “what if Alzheimer’s wasn’t called a disease but instead called a syndrome”? Wouldn’t this possibly lessen the negative stigmas that people have that make them treat people with dementia with less respect and meaning?”

For more information, visit https://www.iccdp.net/.

About Companion Home Care Inc: 

Companion Home Care is a senior home health care, adults with disabilities care, and hospice care provider in Roanoke, VA. Our motto is to provide a “better class of companion for a better quality of life”. We accomplish this by hiring the best, most qualified caregivers, and using our knowledge and experience to craft a personalized home care plan for our clients, then match clients with the perfect caregiver based on client needs, personality, and skills required.

Our caregivers help seniors cope with Alzheimer’s, dementia, and illnesses, and enjoy healthy and happy lives from the comfort of their own homes. In addition to senior home health care, we also provide Roanoke home care for adults and children with disabilities, traumatic brain injury and diseases, physical injuries, and special needs in Roanoke, Salem, Lynchburg, Vinton, Christiansburg, Blacksburg, Smith Mountain Lake, Moneta, Bedford, and surrounding areas of southwest Virginia.

Companion Home Care Inc
210 E 7th St
Salem, VA 24153
(540) 981-2255

Companion Home Care Inc
424 Campbell Ave SW
Roanoke, VA 24016
(540) 981-2255

Contact Companion Home Care Inc

PREVIOUS POST: Companion Home Care Wins 2019 HIRE Vets Gold Award from US Department of Labor

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“description”: “The Roanoke Marine Mud Run is a fundraiser put on by the Roanoke Marine Corps League for Toys-4-Tots and Camp Roanoke. It consists of a 5K race through obstacles, physical challenges, and of course, mud. Now in its 24th consecutive year, the Roanoke Marine Mud Run takes place at Green Hill Park in Salem, VA.”,
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from Tumblr https://companionhomecare.tumblr.com/post/188567857199